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About us

We aim to be your voice

Thurrock SEND Family Forum aim to be a well-informed, connected and empowered community of families of children with disabilities or additional needs, offering support to each other and working in partnership with service providers to create quality services that meet the needs of all parent carers and their children.


We aim to provide parents and carers with a relaxed and informal place to meet to share their views on how things are going and how the borough can improve.

Why Join us?

A Voice for parents

We give parent carers a voice and provide an open channel through us with Thurrock Council and health and their service providers.

promoting equality

We aim to be an active voice in promoting disability equality and challenging discrimination on all levels within the borough

*The Parent’/Carers’ Forum is NOT used for individual complaints and issues. Concerns or complaints involving individual children, families will be signposted to PATT- Sendias service for advice and personal support.

accessible to all

We aim to be clear and approachable, accessible to all. Listen and act and most importantly feedback to our members about how your voice has made a difference for local families.

Challenging Discrimination

We aim to actively challenge Thurrock council and health to influence better outcomes for the families in Thurrock.


We use the Ladder of Participation approach, which supports the membership and the Steering Group to become involved at a local, regional, and national level as well as to develop and influence  policy making and commissioning processes.

Parent carers have parental responsibility for, and or care for, children and young people who have a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). Parent carer participation is when parents and professionals, commissioners and policy makers work together, recognising each other’s expert knowledge, to design, commission and deliver better services for children with SEND.

Are you a parent carer of a child with special needs?

(opens a form to fill & submit)